HSLC / HSSLC Exam Hall Ticket 2015 Nagaland Board (www.nbsenagaland.com)
Hall Ticket/Roll Number Information 2015 – Board of School Education Nagaland
Department of Government Examinations Higher Secondary Examinations, March/April-2015
Nagaland Board of Education department, Time Table have been scheduled and released for the academic year 2015-2016. All the students can download the complete information and dates regarding the subject wise schedule, date and time of the exam have to be properly downloaded from official website for the current year 2015-2016.
Official Website:
Company/Organization – Profile: HSLC / HSSLC – Nagaland
Nagaland Board of Education department will issue all the Hall Tickets/Admit Cards and all other necessary Roll number slips at the school/college premises, students can avail it from respective schools and colleges, the students can avail this slips for Secondary School Leaving Certificate
Examination (HSSLC) and High School Leaving Certificate Examination (HSLC). This distribution will begin at respective schools just before the previous month on the schedule of the exams, students can download complete schedule and exam related information from the official website and also get it from the School principal.
Any issues in the information published, Hall tickets/Roll Number Slips lost, should concern respective schools to avail duplicate Hall Ticket, the complete information should be thoroughly cross checked by students and any changes, should be bring it to principals notice.